Meet Helen Hall: A day in the life of the founder of Blender Bombs

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Hi! I’m Helen Hall. I was born and raised in Atlanta, GA and moved to South Carolina for college in 2011. Fast forward a few years, I graduated from the University of South Carolina and moved to Charleston, SC where I began my health and wellness career as a personal trainer. 

During my time at USC, I gained about 30 pounds and tried so many different methods to lose weight. We’re talking crash diets, fad diets, rigorous exercises - you name it, I’ve probably tried it. And you guessed it, the weight always came back. So, I decided to take a new approach. I started to replace one meal a day with a smoothie and began eating a more plant-based diet. I was loading my daily smoothies up with nutrients by adding ingredients like dates, chia seeds, hemp seeds, walnuts and more. Eventually, I began to roll up these ingredients into a ball to make it easier on myself! As a personal trainer, I started to sell these nutrient packed balls of goodness to my clients. They LOVED them. I went from making them in my home kitchen, to renting out a space in a commercial kitchen just to meet the demand. One thing led to another, and my company Blender Bombs was officially founded in 2017. 

Since then, we’ve opened smoothie bars, made cookies, expanded the Blender Bomb line, been spotted on the Today Show, picked up by Whole Foods and so much more. The one thing that hasn’t changed? My daily smoothie routine. I am constantly learning new things but overall, the way I eat has stayed the same. 

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Check out what my typical day of eating looks below! 

I would like to stress that this is what works best for ME. Everyone’s needs are different. This plan might work for you, but it might not, and that’s okay! Like I said, I’ve tried it all, and the 80X20 lifestyle is the perfect fit for me and my body.

A typical day looks like this: 


On intermittent fasting days, which I practice three to five days a week, I typically start my morning with a tall glass of room temperature water and a cup of spearmint tea with lemon. 

Note: water, black coffee, and tea are allowed during the fast. For anyone who hasn’t heard of intermittent fasting, or has but wants to know more - check out this post for all the details!

P.S. Some mornings I will have celery juice while fasting! Celery juice has a glycemic index of zero and doesn’t spike your blood sugar, so I consider it to be approved for the fasting time frame.

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Around noon, I break my fast with a Blender Bomb soothie, DUH. A smoothie a day keeps me feeling 100%. I love my daily smoothie because it allows me to have a full meal of greens, fruits, and veggies, all while controlling my sweet tooth. BOOM. 

The BB smoothies keep me full for about three to four hours, especially when I top it with Granola So Bomb. Check out one of my favorite smoothie recipes here!  


I try to eat dinner around 6:00-7:00pm, sometimes even earlier. I personally feel my best when I eat an early dinner. I want to stay full and satisfied until the next day so I tend to eat a pretty high calorie, carb dense dinner. The word “carb” might make you nervous, but it shouldn’t! I reached my current weight and body from eating this way.  

For some of these recipes, check out my Instagram account or you can purchase this 80x20 Ebook! 

HXH TIP: If you are trying to lose weight, eating an early dinner can help tremendously. 

My daily food consumption in the 80% category is pretty easy and straightforward. I usually stick to one calorie dense BB smoothie, one snack, and a high calorie/high carb dinner. I aim to eat real foods that come from the earth! The smoothies I have change regularly and my dinners change to whatever I am in the mood for. 

Check out my “DAY OF EATING” highlight on @hushupandhustle to see some more variations!
